Social Media in NATO’s Future

There is, no doubt, an new aspect of the NATO Chicago Summit to consider is the role that Social Media will play.

In partnership between NATO’s Public Affairs and Public Diplomacy staff, Allied Command Transformation’s (ACT) Strategic Communications Capability Development team, and ACT’s Operational Experimentation Branch, Social Media is being used to understand how NATO is currently being perceived in the U.S. and how the Social Media conversation changes during the Summit broadcasts.

By focusing analysts’ efforts on Social Media during the events surrounding the Chicago Summit, the ACT Strategic Communications’ experiment is designed to precisely examine and assess audience comments and inputs. The result: assisting NATO in improving audience messaging.
Anyone can participate. It is as easy as using your current Social Media tools. Tweet, Blog, and share your comments via Facebook, or register with to participate at the Summit via Livestream.

The information that Social Media tools will gather during 19-21 May, is a key part in the Strategic Communications Social Media experiment.

from Megan Thum, ACT Strategic Communications Contractor

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