Passive Radar: A $10 Billion opportunity

bignw004012201306170035Passive radar is different from traditional forms of radar in that it dies not emit any electromagnetic radiation. Instead, it relies on reflections from other electromagnetic signals in the atmosphere in order to provide a radar picture. Passive radar provides a number of distinct advantages that will allow it to corner a significant portion of defense, homeland security, and civilian radar markets. In addition to cost-efficiency, passive radar is also covert, an effective counter to stealth technologies, and environmentally friendly.

The market for passive radar is still in its infancy, and few companies have developed effective, marketable systems. However, as the technology becomes more sophisticated and affordable, more and more competitors can be expected to enter the market, particularly in defense and homeland security.

see also

By the end of 2023, SNS Research expects passive radar technology investments to account of more than $10 billion in revenue, following a CAGR of nearly 36% between 2013 and 2023.

The “Military & Civil Aviation Passive Radar Market: 2013 – 2023” report focuses on the two markets where passive radar technology has the greatest potential: civilian aviation and military radar applications.

The report presents vendor strategies, overall depictions of potential growth in both sectors, as well as detailed qualitative and quantitative analysis of global and regional drivers and limitations on market potential from 2013 till 2023.

The report comes with an associated excel datasheet covering quantitative data from all revenue projection forecasts presented within the report.

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