Deserti project : a Win Win solution developed by S3Log Consortium
The recent international military missions confirm the vital and dual role played by the Armed Forces in crisis scenarios. The support they provide to the international community and the host nation’s institutions is as important as their main task of ensuring security. Often, in countries where a crisis or conflict is in progress, it has also been noted the need to restore order and security through a process involving police forces, judicial structures and civilian staff to reestablish as short as possible, normality and confidence.
The experimental phase of the DESERTI project (co-funded by the Italian Ministry of Defense and realized by the S3log Consortium, SOLWA srl and the Department of Innovation in Biological, Agro-Food and Forestry Systems – DiBAF of the University of Viterbo – Unitedcia) has achieved the following main targets:
- The feasibility of realizing a growing system through greenhouses that is autonomous from the energy and water point of view;
- The performance of the prototype;
- The evaluation of a large-scale application of the System implemented.
The idea is to create agricultural greenhouses (with innovative structures and techniques) that are completely autonomous from an energy point of view that use marine water as a water supply. Water for irrigation is obtained by means of SOLWA technology capable of purifying, in this case, sea water using only solar energy.
The DESERTI Project, in addition to showing its potential for CIMIC applications, is consistent with both the European Union’s Strategic Guidelines and Strategic Development Guidelines, under the Horizon 2020 program, as well as some technological development directives, e.g. EDA “Military Green”.
The experimentation of the DESERTI Project, conducted at Furbara by the development of a Technological Demonstrator, confirmed the initial assumptions about the operation of the System and allowed the identification of many technical improvements of the subsystems and components used.