DARPA Launch Cyber Fast Track Program
Peiter Zatko, a hacker known as Mudge who now works at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has told security experts at the Black Hat conference in Las Vegas of DARPA’s new “Cyber Fast Track” program which enables the Pentagon to quickly fund hackers to tackle its tough cybersecurity challenges.
This latest project, aimed at getting cybersecurity expertise into government, cuts red tape and allows hackers to apply for funding for projects that would help the Defense Department secure computer networks.
Zatko said he decided it was time to start funding hackers and boutique security firms, “and making it actually easy enough for them to compete for government research money with the large, traditional government contractors.”
Addressing a key issue for hackers doing government projects, they will be allowed to keep the commercial intellectual property rights while giving the Defense Department use of the project.
By Ethical Hacker LiveHacking.Com