‘dominator(tm)’- the System That Enables Soldiers to Dominate the Battlefeild
Elbit Systems will be presenting the “Dominator ™” – an Integrated Infantry Combat System at the upcoming Australian Air Show.
Geared for the unit level and individual soldier, the “Dominator ™” enables forces to dominate the field by empowering infantry units with full situational awareness through networking into integrated information systems. Outfitted with the “Dominator ™” land warriors can send and receive information in real time, view up-to-the-minute Common Operational Picture (situational awareness of enemy and own forces) on personal displays, as well as live video from either external or on body sensors and transmit images and positions back to the CP and colleagues. The system helps prevent unnecessary casualties, including friendly-fire mishaps.
The “Dominator ™” incorporates Elbit Systems’ C4I software solutions for the infantry user (C4I SW), based on Elbit Systems’ C4I infrastructures for tactical forces. C4I SW was developed specifically to assure simple, swift operation in the most intense combat scenarios. It supports planning, situational awareness, targets handling, devices connectivity as well as video and map displays. It also provides command and control functionalities for all levels of commands of the light infantry forces along with interface to armored units, artillery and close air support.
Elbit Systems cutting edge communication systems provide optimal, uninterrupted information flow, arriving at the right time and destination. The “Dominator ™” interfaces and operates with all existing communication equipment.
Source : Elbit Systems Ltd.