Tyrrhenian International Workshop on Digital Communication
Enhanced Surveillance of Aircraft and Vehicles

The main goal of this event is to create a forum for presentation of research and development results – as well as for the exchange of ideas between experts from academia, industry, operators and regulating bodies – in all fields of the Surveillance and related technologies and system aspects, with special attention to the air traffic and to the airports.
Procedures to submit a paper, as well as more details on registration, venue, transport and accommodation, can be found at http://radarlab.uniroma2.it/esav.htm
Gaspare Galati, general chairman – Piet van Genderen, co-chairman and TPC chairman
- Smarter robots may replace Soldiers – Unmanned robots already have proven their worth on the battlefield, neutralizing IEDs, and more capable ones are coming in the…Continue reading →
- Poland new military structure – Poland changed the way organising its military forces, launching the General Command of All Armed Forces to replace the separate…Continue reading →
- U.S. cracks open skies to testing, use of aerial drones – Drones are popular with law enforcement in part because they are smaller and less costly alternatives to manned aircraft. They…Continue reading →
- Smart Cyber for Smart-phone – With the Smartphone becoming a standard technology for businesses and governments, the theft of sensitive data is a greater risk…Continue reading →
- Launch of an all-electric, fuel cell-powered, UAS from a submerged submarine – The XFC is a fully autonomous, all electric fuel cell powered folding wing UAS with an endurance of greater than…Continue reading →
- On-Board Vehicle Power System for Consistent Equipment Power on the Battlefield – DRS Technologies, Inc., On-Board Vehicle Power system, a high-powered DRS/Allison Transmission Integral Generator installed on combat vehicles, will be included…Continue reading →
- Stuxnet hits the International Space Station – according to Eugene Kaspersky article in The Guardian, Stuxnet, the computer virus that targeted Iran’s nuclear programme facilities, has now “badly affected”…Continue reading →
- The Threat of Bitcoin: Worth the Hype? – On November 18th, the Senate Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee in Washington was briefed on the potential threat, risks, and promises that…Continue reading →
- TADIC 2013 “Smart Defence Smart Tadic” – Transatlantic Defence Technological and Industrial Cooperation (TADIC) is an iterative NATO effort: enshrined in the basic principles, transatlantic cooperation has always been at the core of the Alliance.
- Future manufacturing project – Manufacturing in 2050 will look very different from today, and will be virtually unrecognisable from that of 30 years ago. Successful firms will be capable of rapidly adapting their physical and intellectual infrastructures to exploit changes in technology as manufacturing becomes faster, more responsive to changing global markets and closer to customers.
- NATO 3.0 – … a better NATO strategy that integrates hard and soft power in peacemaking through a far earlier, more credible and effective crisis response; innovative tools in the Alliance’s military, political and industrial approach are needed: a new NATO 3.0.
- 2014 Global Aerospace and Defense Industry outlook – The Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited Global Manufacturing Industry group has released this year’s Global Aerospace and Defense Industry outlook (click here…Continue reading →
- EU Defence Data 2011 – In 2011, total defence expenditure of EDA 26 pMS amounted to € 192.5 billion – a reduction of € 1 billion or 0.5% compared to 2010 – representing approximately 1.55% of their total GDP and 3.17% of their total government expenditure, both values being the lowest since 2006. In real terms , total defence expenditure has been decreasing since 2006 and between 2010 and 2011 it dropped by over 2%
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