Military Technology and Civil Service: the challenge of Vitrociset and Arionline for the new European legislation on privacy.

“On cybersecurity, battles are won every day” says Antonio Pandelli, project manager of Vitrociset, on the sidelines of the meeting organized by Arionline in Sardinia (Italy) to illustrate the scenarios related to the plan for adapting the information systems of public administrations to the Gdpr (General Data Protection Regulation), the new European legislation on privacy.

A challenge in preparation of the 25th of May deadline. The Public Administration will be supported by the Arionline and Vitrociset systems, the last a leading company in the field of cyber security and more than forty years partner of the Ministry of Defense. “Together with Vitrociset – explains Arnalline Pontis, Arionline’s technical director – we are experimenting with a civil conversion of military technology to protect citizens’ sensitive data from network attacks”.


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