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Contracts – Inflation, Exchange Rate Variability
This article discusses the topic of inflation and its impact on purchasing contracts and supply chains. The article emphasizes the importance of understanding the broader impact of inflation on the entire supply chain and suggests taking a more comprehensive and holistic approach to purchasing decisions. download here
Military Implicationsof use of Novel Materials and Manufacturing Technologies
The use of Novel Materials and emerging manufacturing technologies in military applications offers many benefits. By using materials that are specifically designed for military applications, military personnel can have greater confidence in their equipment and focus on their mission objectives.
The purpose of this survey is to assess current trends in the military and government helicopter market, looking at programs and future requirements in the countries of the world’s major helicopter manufacturers as well as the platforms that dominate the market.
The purpose of this survey is to:
Assess the current military and government helicopter market.
Identify the main helicopter manufacturers and their products as well as significant sub-contractors in the supply chain.
Identify the main suppliers of engines and sensors for the rotary-wing market.
Review recent helicopter procurement that has seen deliveries since 2016.
Provide a detailed overview of current and future opportunities within the military and government helicopter market
Air power is defined as: the ability to use air capabilities in and from the air, to influence the behaviour of actors and the course of events.
Space power is the totality of a nation’s ability to exploit the space domain in pursuit of prosperity and security. National space power is comparatively assessed as the relative strength of a state’s ability to leverage the space domain for diplomatic, informational, military, and economic purposes.
Air power, along with maritime, land, space and cyber power, form the interdependent levers of the military instrument of national power.
Air power is truly global in nature, as it theoretically enables access to any point on Earth, be it over land or sea.
Air power offers policymakers an agile, timely and focussed capability that can be highly effective in resolving or averting a developing crisis.
A broad multinational and multi-agency response involving allies, can provide a wide range of air power options that most nations could not generate independently.
The fundamental purpose of air power is to support the three national security objectives, to help protect, project and promote.
Key points regarding space power
The exploitation of the attributes and roles of space power provides a significant contribution to the successful employment of joint action.
Although collaboration provides opportunities, such as affordable access international space capabilities, there are challenges with regard to classification and data-sharing.
Satellite services may be transparent or invisible to the end user, but they pervade almost every aspect of joint and combined operations.
The space environment should be considered as routinely as the other operating environments, and must be included in military planning processes.
USAF Airpower Doctrine
UK Air and Space Power
NATO joint air power strategy
2018 National Defence Strategy of USA
The document is a summary of the US National Defence Strategy, with focus to the next five years. Jim Mattis “this strategy establishes my intent to pursue urgent change at significant scale” “We must use creative approaches …” (continue here to download the entire document)
5 Security Trends Which Will Impact Every Business in 2017:
In 2016 it was revealed that personal data from 2.7 billion user accounts at major companies such as Yahoo, Dropbox, MySpace, and LinkedIn, were put at risk as a result of security breaches. That’s the equivalent to more than every single Facebook account being compromised. There is a concern, highlighted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) that majority of the typical computer users experience security due to the frequency of the large-scale hacks which leaves people feeling helpless in the face of multiple incidents. (continue here)
Cyber Security Strategy
Cyber security has become a key priority across the world, relevant to all actors of human societies: international organizations, national governments, businesses, and individual citizens. Cyberattacks are becoming both more frequent and sophisticated, resulting in increased reach and damage. Companies can be pushed to the brink of ruin from a massive attack. In order to protect critical systems and data of any organization and to prepare for emergency crises that may arise from cyberattacks, it is essential to be proactive and to develop appropriate cyber security policies. While every forward-thinking decision maker knows cyber security is important, cyber security remains generally a poorly understood notion, with unclear boundaries and goals. We believe that cyber security relies on three equally important, inter-connected areas: Technology, Strategy, and Human Behaviors. In a new white paper, we define fundamental principles of cyber security and lay out a new foundation for a comprehensive and long-term strategy aimed to increase the security of organizations and individuals in the cyber space.
On December 12, 2015, the COP21, the twenty-first conference “decisive” on climate change, ended. After about two weeks of grueling negotiations an agreement to combat global warming of our planet has been reached. The approval has been commented with triumphalism by many participants, but many concerns remain. Still there are scientific, economic and strategic issues. During a seminar organized by Center for Studies in Military Aerospace (CESMA) in Rome the topic was discussed. Here the report the speach of Prof Franco Battaglia, Associate Professor in Environmental Chemistry, and in Chemical Physics, at the Modena University.
A new global approach to cybersecurity issues is therefore elicited that exceeds local views and faces the challenge of complex trans-boundary connections in order to contrast cybercrime economy and guarantee cybersecurity. Paper presented at the international Seminar on Global Challenges, organized by the CASD (Centre of high studies of the Italian Ministry of Defense), March 23rd 2015 by Prof. Elisabetta ZUANELLI
the Better Buying Power (BBP) initiative is a broad effort for the defense acquisition community to reform itself from within. BBP encompasses a set of fundamental acquisition principles to achieve greater efficiencies through affordability, cost control, elimination of unproductive processes and bureaucracy, and promotion of competition.
Smart Defence, Connected Forces Initiative and capability development can succeed only if the transatlantic defence technological and industrial cooperation remain high on NATO agenda. The report provides food for thought for stakeholders of all description to identify actions by which you can help the Alliance meet this challenging objective.
by UK Government Office for Science. Manufacturing in 2050 will look very different from today, and will be virtually unrecognisable from that of 30 years ago. Successful firms will be capable of rapidly adapting their physical and intellectual infrastructures to exploit changes in technology as manufacturing becomes faster, more responsive to changing global markets and closer to customers.
By World Security Network Foundation – The debate over the military and non-military options and associated dilemmas in NATO capitals shows once again the need for a better NATO strategy that integrates hard and soft power in peacemaking through a far earlier, more credible and effective crisis response. Innovative tools in the Alliance’s military, political and industrial approach is needed: a new NATO 3.0.
According several researches the principal search engines index only a small portion of the overall web content, the remaining part is unknown to the majority of web users.What do you think if you were told that under our feet, there is a world larger than ours and much more crowded? We will literally be shocked, and this is the reaction of those individual who can understand the existence of the Deep Web, a network of interconnected systems, are not indexed, having a size hundreds of times higher than the current web, around 500 times.Very exhaustive is the definition provided by the founder of BrightPlanet, Mike Bergman, that compared searching on the Internet today to dragging a net across the surface of the ocean: a great deal may be caught in the net, but there is a wealth of information that is deep and therefore missed.
Cyber-weapons: Legal and strategic aspects
By Stefano Mele, Coordinator of the “InfoWarfare and Emerging Technologies” Observatory of the Italian Institute of Strategic Studies ‘Niccolò Machiavelli’.
Introduction: The use of the Stuxnet malware to attack depleted uranium plants in Iran, marked a definite turning point in the debate about the possibility, until then merely theoretic, to physically damage a country’s critical infrastructure by exploiting the information systems operating within its infrastructure. (the full report is available at DefenceIQ or here (S.Mele – Cyber-Weapons. Legal and Strategic Aspects (version 2.0))
Pope Francesco and his Jesuit Easter Message – Reporting from the Vatican in Italy, March 31, 2013: Article written by Dr. Hubertus Hoffmann – President & Founder World Security Network Foundation. (This article, appeared on the World Security Network Foundation on the 31st of March 2013: it has been selected as the best article of the week written by a Defense and Security expert.)
How much we pay for NATO – Download the full document here (Country contributions, Different forms of direct funding, Principle and practices of common funding at NATO)
CYBER THREAT REPORT H2 2012 – F-Secure Response Labs in Helsinki, Finland published the report for H2 2012. “Three things visibly stand out in this past half year: botnets (with special reference to ZeroAcess), exploits (particularly against the Java development platform) and banking trojans (Zeus).” The report highlights multi-platform attacks, in which a coordinated attack campaign is launched against multiple platforms (both desktop and mobile), often with multiple malware and the mobile scene, where the Android and Symbian platforms continue to be the main focus of threats, accounting for 79% and 19%, respectively, of all new mobile malware variants.
DI PAOLA: WHY NATO NEEDS TO PLAY A GLOBAL ROLE – The Atlantic alliance will never be a “global policeman”, says Italy’s defense minister Giampaolo Di Paola, but it needs to do more to promote stability around the world. And that means building new links with other regional players. (read the article here)
CCDCOE TEN RULES FOR CYBER SECURITY– by Eneken Tikk – The response to cyber threats cuts across several areas of law. Ten rules can be formulated to focus debate on the quality and interpretation of existing frameworks and the need for new ones. This article was published in Survival | vol. 53 no. 3 | June-July 2011
EMERGING TRANSATLANTIC SECURITY DILEMMAS IN BORDER MANAGEMENT by Elizabeth Collett, Migration Policy Institute, June 2011, – The sheer volume of global travel, which has risen exponentially since the 1960s, puts border management systems under constant pressure. Beyond that growth, border management systems have had to contend with additional risks associated with these movements. Mass-casualty terrorist attacks, rising illegal immigration, and human trafficking have exposed weaknesses in states’ ability to manage their borders effectively. This policy memo examines the infrastructure and policy developments – and challenges – that have occurred in recent years on both sides of the Atlantic, discussing the differing nature and prioritization of those policy challenges.
TRANSATLANTIC RELATIONS IN A MULTIPOLAR EUROPE. by Riccardo Alcaro, European Security and the Future of Transatlantic Relations, April 2011, pp. 15-39. For decades European security was at the core of the transatlantic relationship. During the first half of the 20th Century the traditional reluctance of the United States to get involved in the highly competitive European security system gave way to the recognition that it was in the country’s national interest to avoid the emergence of an hegemonic power in Europe. The US felt compelled to intervene with massive military, economic, and human resources in two epoch-making world wars resulting from the collapse of the precarious European balance of power.
Vitrociset Story
press review about selling Vitrociset – (updated up 17/11/17)
Catastrophic event management – : In occasion of the nomination of Dr Agostino Miozzo as the Managing Director for Crisis Response and Operational Coordination in the European External Action Service (EEAS), AOS presents the recording of the interviews to Dr Scott Wels and Dr. Agostino Miozzo done at the 3rd HS Conference held in Washington with the sponsorship of The George Washington University and SELEX Sistemi Integrati, a Finmeccanica Company
NATO’s Strategic Concept – : The new NATO Strategic Concept reconfirms the commitment to defend one another against attack as the bedrock of Euro-Atlantic security and will serve as the Alliance’s roadmap for the next ten years.
Close Air Support – Light attack, a revitalized concept in the Air Force, addresses the need for an airplane that offers surveillance as well as strike capabilities and walks the line between remotely piloted aircraft and high-performance fighters.
Information Sharing: The new intelligence capability – Steve Coles, Head of Security Strategy at SELEX SI/VEGA, revisits the importance of information sharing for the UK in light of the failed Christmas Day airline bomb plot. According to President Obama, it was an information sharing and analysis breakdown that nearly allowed a terrorist to kill 290 people on 25 December 2009, in what would […]
EU Commission Regulation on Aviation Security – EU lays down detailed measures for the implementation of the common basic standards on aviation security for safeguarding against acts of unlawful interferences and general measures supplementing the common basic standards …
Defending Against Drones: How our new favorite weapon in the war on terror could be turned against us. – The unmanned spy plane that Lebanon’s Hizbullah sent buzzing over Israeli towns in 2005 was loud and weaponless, and carried only a rudimentary camera. But the surprise flight by a regional terror group still worried U.S. analysts, who saw it as a sign that the unmanned vehicles were falling into the wrong hands. Today that concern […]
Emergency Preparedness and Crisis Management: THE FIVE LESSONS – “Emergency Preparedness and Crisis Management” is part of a series of Workshops titled “Share Best Practices across the Atlantic” organized by SELEX SI. The 3rd Workshop guest speaker, the Hon Michael Chertoff, former Secretary of the US DHS speaks about The Five Lessons learned. Download the document 091201 Chertoff here