Category: Policy

EU/US Hold Constructive Justice and Home Affairs Ministerial

EU/US Hold Constructive Justice and Home Affairs Ministerial

During a “constructive and productive” Justice and Home Affairs Ministerial, U.S. and EU officials discussed a broad array of critical issues, including counter-terrorism and countering violent extremism; expanding cooperation in criminal matters; joint efforts...

NATO 3.0

NATO 3.0

Fresh Proposals by the World Security Network Foundation Twenty respected military and foreign affairs experts from nine different NATO countries presented fresh proposals for an active Alliance in a paper called NATO 3.0, published...

EU Defence Data 2011

EU Defence Data 2011

The European Defence Agency (EDA) published the aggregated defence data for 2011 of the (then) 26 EDA participating Member States.  The European Defence Agency collects defence data on an annual basis. The Ministries of...

Franco Frattini: “It’s the economy, stupid”

Franco Frattini: “It’s the economy, stupid”

Cuts in defence budgets are an economic reality. But, says Franco Frattini, they are also an opportunity to finally start coordinating defence spending between nations who are now forced into prioritising. And NATO could...

Transatlantic Cooperation on Defence 1 – session report

Transatlantic Cooperation on Defence 1 – session report

“TRANSATLANTIC WEEK” TRANSATLANTIC PARTNERSHIP: DRIVING JOBS AND GROWTH organised by Transatlantic Policy Network (TPN) in partnership with AT&T, Bertelsman Foundation, Daimler, the European Internet Foundation , Oracle, Science/Business, UPS and the US Chamber of Commerce (please also...

World Economy

A new economic scenario is the most vital and balanced auspices of all, but the feeling that the policies adopted in recent years in various world economies were based on incorrect assumptions and on...

US Army prioritizes Soldiers in fight

US Army prioritizes Soldiers in fight

The Army’s fiscal year 2014 Equipment Modernization Plan, now working its way through Congress, prioritizes equipping warfighters in Afghanistan while simultaneously preparing for an uncertain future. Programs in the modernization strategy are grouped within...

F35: A Scapegoat

F35: A Scapegoat

Italian Center of AirForces Military Studies (CESMA), May 14, at the Aviator’s House, in Rome, organized a conference with prof. Michele Nones on the theme: “F35: a scapegoat.” The debate was moderated by Gen...

US DoD: Guide to Cyberdefence

US DoD: Guide to Cyberdefence

US military leaders need to know when and how to respond to cyberattack, the Pentagon says, so the department is crafting secret rules that will guide cyberdefense and help the Pentagon navigate questions such...