Category: ATM

Chaos in Milan Courts as Antivirus Program Overloads Computers

Chaos in Milan Courts as Antivirus Program Overloads Computers

The office is responsible for 9,000 inmates in 12 Lombardy prisons yet for the past few days, computers at the registry of the supervisory court in Milan have been functioning sluggishly at best, or...

MEADS life-cycle costs will require less people, less airlift, and less logistical support than Patriot

MEADS life-cycle costs will require less people, less airlift, and less logistical support than Patriot

The US Army’s air defense portfolio is taking a beating as the service downsizes its modernization plans and, among the programs under investigations there are the SLAMRAAM that was aimed at fielding an air defense...

Integrated Border Security Approach: a Success Story

Integrated Border Security Approach: a Success Story

A collaborative effort between members of the California National Guard, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Marine agents, Stonegarden participants and U.S. Border Patrol agents prevented a maritime smuggling attempt early this morning as 21...

Indian Ocean: HMS Montrose Disrupts Pirates

The Royal Navy warship HMS Montrose prevented a gang of suspected pirates from entering the Indian Ocean to attack merchant ships yesterday, Wednesday 14 October 2010. This is the ship’s second counter-piracy success in...

CASSIDIAN reinforces Cyber Security expertise through acquisition of UK Cyber Consultancy

CASSIDIAN reinforces Cyber Security expertise through acquisition of UK Cyber Consultancy

CASSIDIAN successfully acquired Regency IT Consulting on 19th August strengthening the company’s cyber capabilities in the UK. The acquisition will ensure that CASSIDIAN stays at the forefront of cyber security expertise and insights into...

Raytheon: Clear View Security Solutions for Border Control

Raytheon: Clear View Security Solutions for Border Control

Raytheon Company is launching its new Clear View family of security solutions for border security, critical infrastructure protection and other security needs. The Clear View system that integrates and consolidates data from multiple sources...

NATO to Reach Out to Russia on Missile Defence

NATO to Reach Out to Russia on Missile Defence

Instead of criticising a new security treaty between Europe and America, Russia should consider coming under the umbrella of a NATO missile defence shield, the alliance’s secretary general, Anders Fogh Rasmussen said 8 October....

Defense Contractors Find New Roles in Evolving Market with Focus on Cyber, ISR

Defense Contractors Find New Roles in Evolving Market with Focus on Cyber, ISR

Cooper Smith The New New Internet October 1, 2010 In the wake of Robert M. Gates’ defense budget cuts, defense contractors should adapt to a new marketplace by focusing on growing key areas such...

UK Navy to reduce to smallest size ever to save carriers

UK Navy to reduce to smallest size ever to save carriers

see below : The Royal Navy today with the full list of ships the Navy is set to be reduced to the smallest size in its history after admirals yesterday offered drastic reductions in...

NATO ACT, EU and Industry to Improve Capabilities to Face New Security Challenges

From 5 to 7 October, Allied Command Transformation (ACT) and the NATO Consultation, Command and Control Agency (NC3A) are holding their annual “Industry Days” in Prague, the Czech Republic. The aim is to inform...

Dutch deliver banned nuclear equipment to Iranian group

Dutch deliver banned nuclear equipment to Iranian group

EXPORT CONTROLS Authorities in the Netherlands improperly supplied nuclear equipment to the sanctioned Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), the Dutch Economic Affairs Ministry wrote in an October 4 letter obtained by The Jerusalem...

Possible biblical clue seen in computer worm hitting Iran

Possible biblical clue seen in computer worm hitting Iran

Deep inside the computer worm that some specialists suspect is aimed at slowing Iran’s race for a nuclear weapon lies what could be a fleeting reference to the Book of Esther, the Old Testament...

Stuxnet ‘cyber superweapon’ moves to China

Stuxnet ‘cyber superweapon’ moves to China

A computer virus dubbed the world’s “first cyber superweapon” by experts and which may have been designed to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities has found a new target — China. The Stuxnet computer worm has...

Israeli cyber unit responsible for Iran computer worm – claim

Israeli cyber unit responsible for Iran computer worm – claim

An elite Israeli military unit responsible for cyberwarfare has been accused of creating a virus that has crippled Iran’s computer systems and stopped work at its newest nuclear power station. The code contains the...

Harris Receives $69 M for C4I in Asia

Harris Receives $69 M for C4I in Asia

Harris Corporation has received orders totaling $69 million from a nation in Asia to support the next phase of a comprehensive command, control and intelligence system. Harris will provide an integrated regional C4I infrastructure...

Europe wants to limit passenger data sharing with US

Europe wants to limit passenger data sharing with US

Europe laid out Tuesday strict conditions for the exchange of airline passenger data with the United States, Canada and Australia, insisting it should be restricted to terror and criminal probes. The European Union’s executive...

Net 6000: Automatic Transit Baggage-Handling System

The Net 6000 is the largest automatic transit baggage-handling system ever implemented in Italy and one of the leading solutions in Europe. It was officially opened on 8 July 2010 at a ceremony attended...

US ratifies defense sales pacts with Britain, Australia

US ratifies defense sales pacts with Britain, Australia

The US Senate has ratified treaties with Australia and Britain to streamline military sales by eliminating most export licenses. This ratification ends a very long process. In June 2007 then President George W. Bush and...

NGC Wins $2.63 Bn IT Integration Project for US DHS Headquarters

NGC Wins $2.63 Bn IT Integration Project for US DHS Headquarters

Northrop Grumman Will Implement a Robust IT Infrastructure and Cyber and Physical Security Platforms for the New DHS Washington, D.C. Campus McLean, Va. – Northrop Grumman Corporation has been awarded a $2.63 billion task...

Carter To Unveil Affordability Guidelines

Carter To Unveil Affordability Guidelines

Chief U.S. weapons buyer Ashton Carter on Sept. 14 will announce new guidelines to govern how the Pentagon purchases everything from weapons to support services, the Defense Department has told industry. The announcement will...