Past events/eventi trascorsi

NEW – 24/02 CESMA : ‘Volare’ oltre il cielo: con Luca Parmitano

ITAF Maj. Luca Parmitano, the first Italian astronaut to have walked in space, spoke of his mission to an audience of fans and fellow Air Force. The meeting at the House Aviator in Role was organized by the CESMA (Center of Aeronautical Military Studies “G. Douhet”) .

CESMA – Master Spazio e Workshop “CYBERSECURITY in Air e Satellite Navigation”

Based on past experiences and events we know there are no limits to the attempted attacks and vulnerability exploitations always present in all communication systems. Secure communications in air and satellite navigation has recently been questioned by some practical demonstrations of intrusion that can determine future scenarios of dangerous evolution. Understanding the weaknesses of the current frameworks, defining operational modes and products for contrasting the threats, are the objectives of each security officer. A fortiori, this must be done in the field of air and satellite navigation where even a slight alteration of signals can cause dramatic consequences.

Negligent liability: Two experiences in comparison, airline industry and health sector

“Negligent liability , warranty positions and profiles to complex activities of organizations at risk allowed. Two experiences in comparison , the airline industry and the health sector.” was the title of a study day held in Rome, at the High Defence Studies Centre.


CESMA – Aeromobili a Pilotaggio Remoto: Punto di Situazione e Prospettive

  • resoconto dettagliato con presentazioni (italiano)
  • detailed report with presentations and video (english)
  • Sponsoring ENAC, ENAV, ITAF
  • Supporting companies Alenia Arrmacchi, Aermatica, AOS, Boeing, Elettronica, IDS, Piaggio Aero Industries e Selex-ES

L’obiettivo è stato quello di delineare, sulla base di specifiche applicazioni e partendo da determinati impieghi operativi e profili di missione, sia in ambito militare che civile, quali siano i fattori che possano consentire un utilizzo maturo che permetta il pieno sfruttamento delle capacità offerte dagli Aeromobili a Pilotaggio Remoto.

Sono stati analizzati i fattori abilitanti di tipo tecnologico in chiave “dual use”, gli aspetti  relativi alle normative, alla standardizzazione e certificazione e infine le tematiche inerenti agli impatti a livello sociale che l’utilizzo estensivo di questi velivoli può comportare.

Infine, sono stati analizzati i possibili sviluppi futuri e gli aspetti che, secondo il CESMA, dovranno essere studiati più approfonditamente nell’immediato futuro.

CESMA/AIMAS. Workshop: Deploying Stem Cells

  • Identifying potential uses of stem cells in emergency situations during surgery
  • Suggesting systematic sampling of stem cells from our soldiers to be used in case of accidents or fighting incidents
  • Recognizing the path to follow for the future and the role played by Aerospace medicine due to the special conditions required by stem cells
  • Report of the seminar at

AFCEA RM.  Workshop: “the Role of Radar for Security”

  • Location: AFB Pratica di Mare

Maritime Reconnaissance & Surveillance 2013 Conference

  • Location, Rome, Italy
Maritime Reconnaissance and Surveillance 2013 will provide you with a truly international viewpoint on current and future MPA requirements but this year will also see the introduction of a brand-new Satellite Reconnaissance Focus Day. As the importance of satellite-based geospatial intelligence, tracking and video analytics continues to develop, the Focus Day will offer a unique insight into the opportunities satellites present for improving our maritime domain awareness and security. 

info at :

TPN Washington 15-18 July – TRANSATLANTIC WEEK

Organised by Transatlantic Policy Network (TPN) in partnership with AT&T, Bertelsman Foundation, Daimler, the European Internet Foundation and Science/Business, the event intended to raise the profile of the Transatlantic relationships, as well as forster a dialogue on shared purpose and joint action among US and EU policy-makers. Session 1 was devoted to the Transatlantic Cooperation on Defence.

  • CESMA – F35: a Scapegoat
  • NATO – LaSpezia – Italy “Modelling and Simulation Support for Cyber Defence”