Atlantic Organization for Security (AOS)

Smart Cyber for Smart-phone

Smart Cyber for Smart-phone

With the Smartphone becoming a standard technology for businesses and governments, the theft of sensitive data is a greater risk than ever. Richard de Silva,, explores UK cyber security investment trends and the new measures...

EU/US Hold Constructive Justice and Home Affairs Ministerial

EU/US Hold Constructive Justice and Home Affairs Ministerial

During a “constructive and productive” Justice and Home Affairs Ministerial, U.S. and EU officials discussed a broad array of critical issues, including counter-terrorism and countering violent extremism; expanding cooperation in criminal matters; joint efforts...

Stuxnet hits the International Space Station

Stuxnet hits the International Space Station

according to Eugene Kaspersky article in The Guardian, Stuxnet, the computer virus that targeted Iran’s nuclear programme facilities, has now “badly affected” a Russian nuclear plant and spread to the International Space Station when a Russian...

Poland Advanced Jet Trainer

Poland Advanced Jet Trainer

The bids are in. Poland opens the tenders for their AJT competition, and reveals the amounts of the bids. Only Alenia Aermacchi fell within the PZL 1.2 billion ($387.5 million) budgeted, but the contract also...

Army energy-efficient tents

Army energy-efficient tents

Wherever Soldiers go, shelters must go, too. These shelter systems must not only protect and provide comfort; they must also be as energy efficient as possible. Every time a base camp needs fuel delivered,...

NASA’s nanosatellite “PhoneSat program”

  Click to watch video  The PhoneSats employ an off-the-shelf commercial smartphone as the control system for the satellite and used a UHF radio beacon to transmit data and images to the ground.  The...