Atlantic Organization for Security (AOS)

Army energy-efficient tents

Army energy-efficient tents

Wherever Soldiers go, shelters must go, too. These shelter systems must not only protect and provide comfort; they must also be as energy efficient as possible. Every time a base camp needs fuel delivered,...

NASA’s nanosatellite “PhoneSat program”

  Click to watch video  The PhoneSats employ an off-the-shelf commercial smartphone as the control system for the satellite and used a UHF radio beacon to transmit data and images to the ground.  The...

Northrop Grumman & Honeywell to upgrade Navy shipboard PALS

Northrop Grumman & Honeywell to upgrade Navy shipboard PALS

Northrop Grumman Corp. Electronic Systems segment is joining the Honeywell Inc. Aerospace sector on a project to upgrade precision landing systems aboard U.S. Navy aircraft carriers and amphibious assault ships. Officials of the Naval Air Systems Command...

NATO 3.0

NATO 3.0

Fresh Proposals by the World Security Network Foundation Twenty respected military and foreign affairs experts from nine different NATO countries presented fresh proposals for an active Alliance in a paper called NATO 3.0, published...

What is the Deep Web? A first trip into the abyss

What is the Deep Web? A first trip into the abyss

The Deep Web (or Invisible web) is the set of information resources on the World Wide Web not reported by normal search engines.  continue article here: book here: Article written by: Pierluigi Paganini: Chief Information...

Radar Systems Innovation

Radar Systems Innovation

“Innovation in Radar Systems for Defense, Security and Electronic Warfare,” is the title of a workshop organized by the AFCEA Rome Chapter, aiming  “to continue – according to Lt. Gen. (r) Pietro Finocchio, chapter...

NSA Can Spy on Smart Phone Data

NSA Can Spy on Smart Phone Data

The United States’ National Security Agency intelligence-gathering operation is capable of accessing user data from smart phones from all leading manufacturers. Top secret NSA documents that SPIEGEL has seen explicitly note that the NSA...

Cyber-weapons: Legal and strategic aspects

Cyber-weapons: Legal and strategic aspects

Today’s cyber threat is arguably at its highest level of severity and shows no signs of diminishing. Among the issues arising in recent months have been the increased frequency of targeted malware tools to...