Atlantic Organization for Security (AOS)
Northrop Grumman Corp. Electronic Systems segment is joining the Honeywell Inc. Aerospace sector on a project to upgrade precision landing systems aboard U.S. Navy aircraft carriers and amphibious assault ships. Officials of the Naval Air Systems Command...
The CESMA (Center for Aeronautical Military Studies “Giulio Douhet”) of the ITAF Association hold a workshop “ Future J-ISR ” at the Center for High Defence Studies (CASD). ISR activities are taking an increasing role...
Fresh Proposals by the World Security Network Foundation Twenty respected military and foreign affairs experts from nine different NATO countries presented fresh proposals for an active Alliance in a paper called NATO 3.0, published...
Northrop Grumman Corporation has received the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI®) for Development Level 5, the highest rating possible, for two U.S. Defense Information Systems Agency joint modernization programs. Northrop Grumman is the prime...
Fighter aircraft from Turkish, Polish and Russian air forces together with air traffic controllers successfully completed a live three-day joint NATO-Russia counter-terrorism exercise “Vigilant Skies 2013,” on 26 September. The exercise was the second...
General Dynamics Fidelis Cybersecurity Solutions today announced its flagship network security solution, Fidelis XPS, now includes a new application of YARA technology, a rule-based malware identification and classification tool, that will increase the real-time...
Thirteen British companies and the U.K. Minister of Defence Equipment, Support and Technology participated in a Lockheed Martin Industry Recognition Event during the DSEI tradeshow today. Over the next 40 years, British industry will...
The Deep Web (or Invisible web) is the set of information resources on the World Wide Web not reported by normal search engines. continue article here: book here: Article written by: Pierluigi Paganini: Chief Information...
“Innovation in Radar Systems for Defense, Security and Electronic Warfare,” is the title of a workshop organized by the AFCEA Rome Chapter, aiming “to continue – according to Lt. Gen. (r) Pietro Finocchio, chapter...
Canada’s aerospace industry could lose about $10.5 billion worth of contracts over several decades if the federal government ultimately decides not to purchase the controversial F-35 Stealth Fighter, says a senior executive at Lockheed...
The United States’ National Security Agency intelligence-gathering operation is capable of accessing user data from smart phones from all leading manufacturers. Top secret NSA documents that SPIEGEL has seen explicitly note that the NSA...
Counterterrorism efforts in the past decade have been responsible for surveillance in the skies to extreme security measures on the ground. Now, one research institute is bringing a whole new surveillance technique to the...
The embattled Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) programme is heading for another set-back with reports suggesting that the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) is planning to purchase less than half the amount the...
Today’s cyber threat is arguably at its highest level of severity and shows no signs of diminishing. Among the issues arising in recent months have been the increased frequency of targeted malware tools to...
Early August, the Department of Homeland Security has awarded contracts to 17 firms to provide continuous diagnostics and mitigation services, also known as CDM, to the federal government, creating a potential model for private...
The European Defence Agency (EDA) published the aggregated defence data for 2011 of the (then) 26 EDA participating Member States. The European Defence Agency collects defence data on an annual basis. The Ministries of...
From i-CSOC, the company manages security for companies, institutions and government agencies that have 24h x 7 x 365 requirements Indra has created i-CSOC (CyberSecurity Operations Centre), a new centre specialised in cybersecurity operations,...
Placing the righ tmobile software applications into the hands of warfighters Use on rugged smartphones and tablet computers Cyber security and mobile applications security. Some DARPA Transformative Apps technology has been tested in the...
Raytheon INTEROP-7000 enables police, fire and rescue professionals to use commercial smartphones and tablets integrated with existing communications equipment, such as land mobile radios. “Many in public safety already use cellphones on commercial cellular...
Sensor fusion provides intuitive situational awareness. By blending low light and infrared spectrum, warfighters are presented a picture which provides a high level of detail, depth perception and striking cues to important elements of...