Atlantic Organization for Security (AOS)

More F-35 Delays Predicted

More F-35 Delays Predicted

Less than two years after a new Pentagon leadership team adopted a new integrated master schedule (IMS) for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program—which in 2010 plans was to have been declared operational by...

Italy and Space

Italy and Space

50 years in business: the lessons of the past to face the future Rome, CASD, June 25, 2013 They are so many themes, critical issues, clear proposals and requests to the Government and Parliament...

DHS: The new US border security plan.

DHS: The new US border security plan.

The new version removes flexibility, ordering to place new systems in different locations. For example, it requires to deploy 685 ground sensors, 50 towers and 73 fixed cameras to Arizona’s two sectors, with similar...

US and Russia Cyber Security Partnership

US and Russia Cyber Security Partnership

The US and Russia have a agreed to establish a network for sharing information on cyber security threats and activities. The two nations, speaking from the G8 Summit in Northern Ireland, said that the...

World Economy

A new economic scenario is the most vital and balanced auspices of all, but the feeling that the policies adopted in recent years in various world economies were based on incorrect assumptions and on...

US Army prioritizes Soldiers in fight

US Army prioritizes Soldiers in fight

The Army’s fiscal year 2014 Equipment Modernization Plan, now working its way through Congress, prioritizes equipping warfighters in Afghanistan while simultaneously preparing for an uncertain future. Programs in the modernization strategy are grouped within...

UK Joint Strike Fighter

A small team of UK personnel are learning all about the fifth-generation stealth aircraft at Eglin Air Force Base in Florida. So far, Britain has taken delivery of 2 Lightning II multi-role Joint Strike...