Atlantic Organization for Security (AOS)

Piaggio’s P.1HH “HammerHead” multipurpose UAS

Unmanned systems are highly regarded by military personnel for their versatility in different roles and applications Piaggio Aero worked together with the fundamental support of its shareholders Mubadala Aerospace and Tata Ltd (read also...

New NGC UAV mission management control system

New NGC UAV mission management control system

Northrop Grumman Corp. flew a RQ-4 Global Hawk unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) for the first time using open architecture-based command and control software and hardware developed by the company, moving the company one step...

EU, US Fully Implement Mutual Recognition Decision

EU, US Fully Implement Mutual Recognition Decision

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and the European Union (EU) announceD the mutual recognition decision between CBP’s Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) program and the EU’s Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) program was fully...

EDA sponsored High-resolution Passive Radar System

EDA sponsored High-resolution Passive Radar System

The first passive system in the world that is capable of offering images with the application of inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) techniques has recently completed the development and demonstration of the functionalities of...

Advanced Maritime Surveillance Solutions with UAVs

Maritime surveillance requirements are demanding specific capabilities and performance such as mission endurance, flight profiles, mission equipment and human factors. Until recently, such missions were performed exclusively by aircraft – some dedicated for the...

Finland adopted its Cyber-security Strategy

The Finland´s Government adopted a resolution on Finland’s Cyber Security Strategy as a part of the implementation of the Security Strategy for Society. The Strategy defines the key goals and guidelines which are used...

US/ITA Join Forces for USAF T-X Trainer Competition

US/ITA Join Forces for USAF T-X Trainer Competition

The General Dynamics-led team leverages proven Alenia Aermacchi jet trainer aircraft and ground-based training systems and complex systems integration expertise for a cost-effective, off-the-shelf system for the U.S. Air Force General Dynamics and Alenia...