Atlantic Organization for Security (AOS)

1st of 12 Ground Master Radar to Finland

An official ceremony was held on January 15 at Finnish Air Force headquarters in Tikkakoski to mark the delivery by ThalesRaytheonSystems of a Ground Master 400 (GM 400) long-range air defense radar system. The...

$633 Bn US Defense Authorization Act

$633 Bn US Defense Authorization Act

The 2013 US Defense Authorization Act allows the department to institute pay raises, bonuses and incentive pay for personnel. “All military construction has to be authorized under this act,” the official said. It includes...

Obama signs $633 billion US defense spending bill

Obama signs $633 billion US defense spending bill

President Barack Obama has signed into law a $633 billion US defense spending bill that funds the war in Afghanistan and boosts security at US missions worldwide. “I have approved this annual defense authorization...

DARPA foster next-generation ISR

DARPA foster next-generation ISR

Intelligence analysts at the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in Arlington, Va., are moving to the next phase of a program to design a next-generation intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) exploitation and...

GPS anti-jam capability for land systems

GPS anti-jam capability for land systems

GPS jammers are readily available and capable of overpowering satellite signals, leaving your forces blind and vulnerable. When signals from GPS satellites reach the Earth, they are at very low levels – well below...