Atlantic Organization for Security (AOS)

The US Federal Maritime Domain Awareness Programs

The US Federal Maritime Domain Awareness Programs

U.S. Coast Guard Deputy Commandant for Operations Vice Admiral Peter Neffenger addresses the Coast Guard’s efforts to improve our Nation’s maritime security through Maritime Domain Awareness. The maritime environment is inherently dangerous, complex, and...

MI5 Fighting ‘Astonishing’ Level Of Cyber-Attacks

In his first public speech for nearly two years, Security Service Director General Jonathan Evans said MI5 is battling “astonishing” levels of cyber-attacks on UK industry. He warned internet “vulnerabilities” were being exploited by criminals as well as...

DHS: $202M to Monitor their Computer Network

DHS: $202M to Monitor their Computer Network

The Department of Homeland Security has outlined a $202 million program to arm federal agencies with new tools to continuously monitor their computer networks for security threats. Contracts for monitoring services will be awarded...

Cyber Security or Cyber War ?

Cyber Security or Cyber War ?

Hosted by “Centro Alti Studi della Difesa (CASD)” on the 13 and 14th of June,  AFCEA Rome Chapter organised , together with the ITA AirForces Association (AAA) a two day seminar  ”Cyber Security or...

Guarguaglini back on track with Gpm3

Guarguaglini back on track with Gpm3

Pier Francesco Guarguaglini for a decade President and Ceo of the defense giant Finmeccanica, despite investigations still pending against him, reappear in the market. The electrical engineer, until last December one of most powerful...