Atlantic Organization for Security (AOS)

A new structure for Rheinmetall Defence

Rheinmetall AG of Düsseldorf is reorganizing its Defence arm in response to planned expansion and the corporation’s increasingly international character. Rheinmetall Defence, which has production plants and sales units in some 15 countries, generated...

French Arms Exports Climb 25% In 2011

French Arms Exports Climb 25% In 2011

France remained the world‘s fourth-largest arms exporter last year, behind the U.S., U.K. and Russia, reporting a 25% boost – from €5.1 billion to €6.5 billion – at the end of 2011. The French...

The G-Cloud programme

The G-Cloud programme

Cloud computing has brought about a step change in the economics and sustainability of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Government is committed to the adoption of cloud computing and delivering computing resources. The G-Cloud...

US has the Most Advanced Defense Industry in the World

US has the Most Advanced Defense Industry in the World

By 2016, the US is expected to invest in the modernization of its existing weapons systems and acquire advanced defense systems capable of enhancing interoperability among the armed forces. The US’s average defense expenditure...

IAI Unmanned systems push for international growth

IAI Unmanned systems push for international growth

Like all of the Middle Eastern nation’s defence companies, Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) is in a delicate predicament: it cannot reveal much of its clientele, and Israeli politics – internal and external – put...

EADS Headquarters In Toulouse ?

EADS Headquarters In Toulouse ?

Airbus CEO Thomas Enders says he will develop Toulouse as the new operational headquarters of EADS after he becomes CEO of the group in June. Enders told executives at an internal meeting in Madrid...