Atlantic Organization for Security (AOS)

MEADS Program Completes Successful BMC4I Software Review

MEADS Program Completes Successful BMC4I Software Review

The Medium Extended Air Defense System (MEADS) program has successfully completed a Battle Management Command, Control, Communications and Computers and Intelligence (BMC4I) software design review in Huntsville, Ala. The review validated software design and...

Northrop CEO Denounces Export Controls

Northrop CEO Denounces Export Controls

U.S. export controls undermine U.S. industry, and are in dire need of reform, Northrop Grumman CEO Wes Bush said Aug. 17. “Today’s export restrictions are hurting the industry in the U.S. without making us...

Successful Tests of Ground-based Air Defence System

Successful Tests of Ground-based Air Defence System

Denel Integrated Systems Solution (DISS) has successfully completed an important testing phase in the development of the SANDF’s new Ground-based Air Defence System. The system is expected to be delivered for operational deployment by...

Rheinmetall AG unveils Acoustic Shooter Locating System

In international peacekeeping and peace enforcement operations, asymmetric threats pose the principal danger to the Bundeswehr and its allies. Security sweeps by mobile elements and the need to protect convoys used for moving troops...

Bell Boeing Submits V-22 Osprey Proposal

Bell Boeing Submits V-22 Osprey Proposal

The Bell Boeing V-22 Program, a strategic alliance between The Boeing Company and Bell Helicopter – Textron, announced today that it has submitted its proposal to the U.S. Navy for a second multiyear procurement...

Carter Nominated as Next U.S. Deputy SecDef

Carter Nominated as Next U.S. Deputy SecDef

President Obama will soon nominate Pentagon acquisition executive Ashton Carter to become deputy Defense secretary replacing William Lynn. Lynn is expected to step down as the Pentagon’s No. 2 civilian this fall after more...