Atlantic Organization for Security (AOS)

Cyber Command Pursues ‘Defensible’ IT Architecture

Cyber Command Pursues ‘Defensible’ IT Architecture

Gen. Keith Alexander has outlined a series of next steps to be pursued by the six-month-old U.S. Cyber Command, including development of a “defensible architecture” that’s better suited for the latest generation of cyber...

Extremely sophisticated cyber attack against RSA

The network of one the world’s largest and trusted security firms has been breached, and an unknown amount of information about its popular multifactor authentication technology has been stolen. Customers are worried about what...

Cyberwarfare advances

Cyberwarfare advances

The commander of the new U.S. Cyber Command told Congress on Wednesday that threats of cyberwar continue to grow. “The cyberthreat continues to mature, posing dangers that far exceed the 2008 breach of our...

News from SBINET

News from SBINET

according to Defense Daily reporting Southern Border Technology Deployment Won’t Finish For 10 To 15 Years The Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) new plan to deploy various technologies along the nation’s southern border that are...

GAO: Foreigners tap sensitive info

GAO: Foreigners tap sensitive info

The risk that foreign nationals working for U.S. companies or universities could gain unauthorized access to technologies that have dual military and civilian use — “controlled technologies” — is a lingering concern for U.S....

China stole South Korean secrets on drone?

China stole South Korean secrets on drone?

China hacked South Korea’s secret military information on plans to introduce a U.S-made high-altitude unmanned aerial vehicle, last June, an opposition lawmaker claimed on the 7th of March. Observers say Beijing may be unnerved...