Atlantic Organization for Security (AOS)

TSA Plan to Body-Scan Pedestrians, Train Passengers

TSA Plan to Body-Scan Pedestrians, Train Passengers

Giving Transportation Security Administration agents a peek under your clothes may soon be a practice that goes well beyond airport checkpoints. Newly uncovered documents show that as early as 2006, the Department of Homeland...

High Resolution SAR Imagery to Integrator Unmanned Aircraft System

High Resolution SAR Imagery to Integrator Unmanned Aircraft System

Insitu Pacific and SELEX Galileo are collaborating on rapidly integrating SELEX Galileo’s best-in-class high-resolution synthetic-aperture radar(SAR) PicoSAR into the Integrator Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS). Equipped with PicoSAR’s active electronically scanned array (AESA)and ground moving...

UAV Market Will Total Just Over $94 Billion

UAV Market Will Total Just Over $94 Billion

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have been the most dynamic growth sector of the world aerospace industry this decade, report Teal analysts in their latest integrated market analysis. Teal Group’s 2011 market study estimates that...

Six Moroccan Islamists wanted to punish Pope Benedict XVI

Six Moroccan Islamists wanted to punish Pope Benedict XVI

Six Islamic fundamentalists were detained Friday in a probe into anti-Christian incitement including an alleged threat to “punish” Pope Benedict XVI for baptising a noted Egyptian-Italian journalist and member of the European Parliament who...

Turnkey Airport Taking Shape

Electronic Systems Center officials of the Hanscom AFB intend to call for proposals within the next few months for development and production of a new deployable air traffic control system. Referred to as the Deployable Radar...

Hi-techface recognition gates at suspended

Hi-techface recognition gates at suspended

Manchester Airport’s Terminal One hi-techface recognition gates were suspended after they allowed a man back into the country on his wife’s passport. It is understood an immigration officer double-checking the data on a computer...

US DoS: $2.5 Billion to SAIC

US DoS: $2.5 Billion to SAIC

Company to Serve as Lead Systems Integrator Supporting Bureau of Information Resource Management Information Technology (IT) Initiatives McLean, Va. – Science Applications International Corporation announced that it was awarded the Vanguard 2, Task Order 2.2.1 by...

Symantec Report about Stuxnet

Symantec Report about Stuxnet

 The Stuxnet software worm repeatedly sought to infect five industrial facilities in Iran over a 10-month period, a new report says, in what could be a clue into how it might have infected the...