Subscription to AOSBrief

Dear Madams, dear Sirs, dear Friends, please

fill/complete the subscription form (click here).

You will be regularly informed about new events from AOS and will receive the monthly AOSBrief which contains also some reports of the above events.

AOS, Atlantic Organization for Security, is active since 2009, and we are proud for the progresses done so far. Scope of AOS is to highlight commonalities in response to Defense and Homeland Security issues across the Atlantic, find mutual benefits in sharing approaches, technologies and solutions and support companies, especially SME, in better exploitation of business opportunities.

The main company location is Brussels, close to the EU and NATO, and we have also added new partners to our list.

Your data will be treated in accordance with EU Data Protection Directive (also known as Directive 95/46/EC).

To DISCONTINUE receiving “AOS.brief”and/or invitations the associated organizations and cancel your subscription entirely, please send an email to and type the world “Remove” in the subject line.

Best regards